光伏测试网论坛-“指尖的光伏”之德国电气工程师协会(VDE)-指尖的光伏专题|光伏|太阳能|PV|技术|质量|认证|标准 - 光伏测试网 /> " /> " />
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isunlicai 发表于 2013-7-16 23:10:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 isunlicai 于 2013-7-20 10:03 编辑

        The VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies e.V. is one of Europe’s largest technical-scientific associations with 35,000 members, including 1,300 corporate and institutional members and 8,000 students.

        The VDE is the Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies and their related sciences, technologies and applications. As the voice for these key technologies in Germany, the VDE works to foster a better climate for innovation, ensure the highest safety standards, promote optimal engineering curricula, and encourage a broader public acceptance of new technologies. The Association’s organization and functions are unique worldwide: The VDE combines a broad spectrum of scientific activities with work on industry standards and product testing under one roof. Focal points of VDE’s work include developing safety standards for electrical and electronic products, preparing technical regulations as national and international standards, and testing and certifying electrical products, equipment and systems. The VDE Testing and Certification Institute, headquartered in Offenbach, Germany, is among the world’s most prominent independent testing organizations for electric and electronic products. At the Institute’s global network of testing and certification centers, over 500 highly qualified employees conduct around 100,000 tests annually for national and international manufacturers. Virtually every electrical product used daily by the public in Germany and elsewhere – ranging from electric toothbrushes to stoves, washing machines and IT products – is tested and certified by the Institute. The VDE mark, familiar to 68 percent of the German public, is considered to be the symbol of highest safety standards. Worldwide, around 200,000 products bear the respected VDE mark.
        VDE activities include national and international transfers of technical knowledge, promoting research and the training of young talents in the key fields of electrical engineering, electronics and information technology and their respective applications. The VDE offers its members numerous benefits such as access to an unmatched national and international network of experts, knowledge transfers, continuing education programs and exclusive online offers. With 35,000 members, including 1,300 corporate and institutional members and 8,000 students, the VDE is one of the largest technical and scientific associations in Europe. Joachim Schneider, a member of the Managing Board of ABB AG Germany, is currently President of the VDE Supervisory Board.
        Communications, energy, mobility and life sciences are the central innovation fields represented and supported by the VDE. Germany and Europe are among the world leaders in these fields, and the goal of the VDE is to communicate, secure and further strengthen this position. Many thousands of experts make their know-how available to the Association.

International network
        The VDE operates throughout the world and maintains a global network of international contacts and partnerships. On the technical and scientific level, the VDE cooperates with renowned associations around the globe. The VDE has experts serving in all relevant standardization organizations such as CENELEC, ETSI and IEC. The VDE also works closely with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the biggest worldwide professional association of electrical engineers.
        The VDE maintains its presence throughout Germany with 29 regional and district societies, offices in the various states, and with 60 university groups. The Association’s honorary Supervisory Board is composed of prominent technology representatives from science and business, while a managing board is responsible for the Association’s policies. The VDE is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and maintains representative offices in Brussels and Berlin.

The VDE in numbers
        - 800 employees
        - 35,000 members, including 1,300 corporate and institutional members and 8,000 students
        - 5 technical and scientific societies
        - 29 regional and district societies / state offices
        - 1,800 events a year, attended by around 67,000 participants

Technical and scientific societies
        - The five technical and scientific societies under the roof of the VDE are responsible for knowledge transfers, networking and information exchanges related to technical themes:
        - Information Technology Society (ITG) – The ITG promotes research in and applications for information technology used in data and communications systems, production systems, environmental protection, medical engineering and transportation systems.
        - Power Engineering Society (ETG) – The ETG supports the development of components, devices and systems for generating, transmitting, distributing and using electrical energy.
        - German Association of Biomedical Engineering in the VDE (DGBMT) – The DGBMT promotes the interdisciplinary cooperation of engineers, natural scientists and physicians.
        -VDI/VDE Society of Microelectronics, Micro and Precision Engineering (GMM) – The interdisciplinary VDE/VDI society GMM supports research and development in the areas of microelectronics, microsystems and nanotechnology as well as precision engineering.
        - VDI/VDE Society of Measurement and Automation Engineering (GMA) – The GMA supports work on theory and applications in the areas of measurement, control and automation systems.

VDE activities
        - Knowledge transfers: The VDE creates and maintains effective national and international knowledge transfers among researchers, developers and users through its five technical and scientific societies and its work in the area of industry standards and product testing.
        - Continuing education: The VDE is one of the biggest providers of continuing education events in the fields of electrical engineering and information technology, holding 1,800 events a year attended by around 67,000 participants.
        - Technology and educational policy: The VDE represents the interests of engineers, scientists and students working on future-oriented technologies by promoting their political and public support.
        - Promotion of young talent: The VDE supports young professional talents as well as youth interested in science and technology. The VDE YoungNet supports around 8,000 university students and 3,000 Young Professionals. Each year, the VDE awards prizes and scholarships to gifted students, graduates and young scientists, and also conducts nationwide competitions like INVENT a CHIP.
        - International standards and standards: As a founding member of the IEC, the VDE works to promote internationally harmonized industry standards by way of approving safety of electricians' handtools. The DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies), a joint organization of the DIN (German Institute for Standardization) and the VDE, is the national standardization organization in this field.
        - Product testing and certification: Over 500 employees of the VDE Testing and Certification Institution in Offenbach, Germany, conduct roughly 100,000 product tests a year for 5,000 customers around the world.
        - Global Services: VDE Global Services GmbH represents the VDE in Asia and provides local testing facilities and product certification for the global market.
        - Publications: The VDE VERLAG, with locations in Berlin and Offenbach, is a specialist publishing house for electrical engineering and information technology. It offers a spectrum of publications covering everything from industry standards to specialist books and technical journals.
        - Innovation + Technology: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, Berlin, plans support programs for technology policies on behalf of federal and state ministries in Germany.

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QQ:24618879     E-mail:isunlicai@126.com
指尖的光伏 · 微信公众号:Solar-Research

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中国光伏测试网 发表于 2013-7-20 10:13:08 |只看该作者
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isunlicai 发表于 2013-7-20 10:15:06 |只看该作者
中国光伏测试网 发表于 2013-7-20 10:13
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QQ:24618879     E-mail:isunlicai@126.com
指尖的光伏 · 微信公众号:Solar-Research

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有机硅测试技术 发表于 2013-7-20 10:52:52 |只看该作者

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isunlicai 发表于 2013-7-20 11:17:15 |只看该作者
有机硅测试技术 发表于 2013-7-20 10:52

QQ:24618879     E-mail:isunlicai@126.com
指尖的光伏 · 微信公众号:Solar-Research

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