These are turbulent times for the global Photovoltaics (PV) industry: since our last ‘Small PV Symposium‘ in May 2011, the price of PV modules has crashed through the floor since overproduction and unfortunate political decisions in Germany and elsewhere have constricted the growth of markets for grid connected PV. By contrast, off-grid PV markets around the world have continued their steady expansion. They make solar power available to remote areas and applications in industrialised and developing countries alike. Estimations, uncertain as they may be, speak of about 500 MW of PV installed in 2011 in off-grid applications, they speak of stable annual market growth around 15 percent, and in terms of money they speak of an annual turnover of well over one billion euro. The bigger part of this market segment does not depend on political support for renewable energies: for small off-grid needs of electricity, PV is often the least cost solution in terms of service cost, investment capital, O&M and reliability. If you are an expert in small PV applications, a component or system developer, a producer, an electrifi cation practitioner or a market development or fi nancing professional, this unique symposium will be a good place to network with practitioners and academia and to learn about the latest developments in the growing global offgrid PV power supply industry. Hybrid systems, mini-grids with PV generators and grid-connected solar systems are well covered in numerous other international conferences - making the ‚Small PV Symposium‘ a specialized niche conference explicitly focused on all types of small off-grid PV applications (with typical sizes from 1-5 Wp for solar lanterns to 10-100 kWp for some industrial applications). This is by far the largest segment of the total PV off-grid market. The forthcoming ‚Small PV Symposium‘ is the third meeting in a sequence which started successfully in May 2009 at the same place and under the same title, with growing numbers of participants from developing countries and with growing media coverage. We, the chairmen of this ‚3rd Symposium: Small PV Applications‘ have the pleasure to invite you to join us again in Ulm - and become part of the small group of visionaries whose action will change the way we see and use electricity on earth.
Monday, June 17th, 2013 Registration and Check-in starts at 9:00 09.00 Registration 10.00 Opening Address Achim Bubenzer, Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Ulm, Germany Gabriele Struthoff-Müller, OTTI, Regensburg, Germany Hansjörg Gabler, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff- Forschung (ZSW),Stuttgart, Germany Izael Da Silva, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY: GLOBAL PROGRAMS Chair: Carsten Hellpap, GIZ, Eschborn, Germany Boaventura Cuamba, Eduarde Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique 10.30 Lighting Africa Arne Jacobsen, Schatz Energy Research Center, Arcata, USA 10.45 SE4All Ivan Vera, United Nations, New York, USA 11.00 EURO-SOLAR Programme. Lessons learned Luis López-Mazanares, ITER, S.A., Grandilla de Abona, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spanien 11.15 How can Pico PV contribute to Sustainable Energy for All? Carsten Hellpap, GIZ, Eschborn, Germany 11.30 Discussion 11.50 Presentation of Sponsors - Ingeteam (Bronze) - Studer Innotec (Bronze) 12.05 Lunch Visit to Poster and Trade Exhibition FIELD EXPERIENCE IN RURAL ELECTRIFICATION I Chair: Michael Wollny, SMA, Niestetal, Germany Shahidul Khan, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh 13.45 Closing the Gap: Creating More Efficient and Effective Public- Private Partnerships for Rural Electrification Andreas Schroeter, Sunlabob Renewable Energy, Ltd., Vientiane, Lao PDR 14.00 The Optimal System for Rural Electrification in China: Comparative Analysis of Solar Home PV System, Stand-alone Mini-grid Solar PV System, and Small Hydro Power System Chian-Woei Shyu, National Chung-Cheng University, Min-Hsiung, Chia-Yi, Taiwan 14.15 The Value of Light to India’s Urban Poor – Valuing Small Scale Distributed Renewable Energy in Urban Bangalore: A Stated Preference Approach Katerina Kimmorley, London School of Economics, UK |