2017 PPIC Speaker Introduction: Sean Flower
Speaker: Sean Fowler
Sean Fowler is the technical supervisor of Q-Lab, an american company focusing on material aging test solution.
Sean has been engated in material weather aging resistant application and its research over 15 years. Sean is active in the international standard commiuttee like IEC, ASTM, ISO, SAE, AATCC... and has taken many important roles. Sean participated in the standard preparing and revising progress, help many industry customer know the weather aging test in the right way, and set up the right weather aging test system.
PPIC Presentation Topic:
Future Weathering Standard Development in PV industry
Regarding to the weather aging test, people always imagine on several thousands hours or less indoor experiment duration to simulate the outdoor performance and to pridict the actual life span of the material in field application.
Its easy to reply the question, if we understand the key testing category and purpose,. Some testing is just used for material selection, some testing is used for more information wehn doing relavant research work with the outdoor testing data, some testing may have been lasting many years or even longer to answer the question we cares. Of course, there are also some testing we still doubt although it is executed several decades.
This presentation will answer the question with some real examples.
演讲嘉宾:Sean Fowler
Sean Fowler,美国Q-Lab公司技术总监,从事材料耐候老化应用及研究工作超过15年,活跃于IEC,ASTM,ISO,SAE,AATCC等国际标准委员会并担任重要职位,参与制修订标准,帮助许多行业正确认识耐候老化测试的意义,协助客户建立正确的耐候老化测试体系。
回答这个问题很容易也很难,关键是我们需要了解测试的类别和目的,有些测试可能仅仅是用于材料的筛选;有些测试可以结合户外的数据做相关性研究,得到更多有用的信息;有些测试可能得花上几年甚至更长的时间来回答我们关心的问题;当然,也有些测试我们执行了数十年,现在还依然坚信不疑,究竟是否合理?本文将结合一些其他行业的案例来阐述这些问题。 |